

How We Teach


From Grade 3 to Grade 12, 十大靠谱网赌平台遵循三种教学法(教学方法),被证明是男孩学习最好的方法:

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Active Learning

    Going beyond listening, reading and memorizing, 主动学习是“让学生做事情和思考他们正在做的事情的任何事情”(邦威尔和艾森), 1991). Active learning features collaboration, discussion and reflection, and fosters understanding rather than memorization of facts. 它给学生更多的学习自主权,帮助学生学习如何学习. When students discuss a challenging question, respond to an in-class prompt in writing, predict the outcome of an experiment, or apply knowledge from a reading to a case study, that is active learning.
  • Experiential Learning

    Experiential Learning is the process of learning by doing. By engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection, 他们能够更好地将课堂上学到的理论和知识与现实世界的情况联系起来. 体验式学习机会存在于各种课程和非课程形式中,可能包括社区服务, service-learning, 研究, study abroad/away, and culminating experiences such as internships, student teaching, and AP Capstone projects, to name a few.
  • Relational Learning

    男孩在体验老师教的课程之前,会先体验老师.”1  关系学习依赖于师生之间牢固的关系. 它将教师的角色重新想象为一个值得信赖的向导,而不是一个基于权力的动态角色——在僵化的课堂环境中可能是这种情况. 男孩是关系型学习者,他们成功的学习成果与他们与老师的积极关系密切相关. Crescent’s teachers and coaches forge powerful connections with our boys, making certain that each of them feels known, cared for and recognized as an individual. 他们建立了有意义的关系,这不仅是男孩性格发展的先决条件,也是他们持续学习的前提.
    1 I Can Learn From You, Michael Reichert and Richard Hawley, 2014

Teaching Character

Since 1913, developing character has been central to our mission. 

Crescent’s founder, Jimmy James, 他认为建立一所当时“比残酷的鞭刑世界更仁慈、更温和”的学校是很重要的. 他希望十大靠谱网赌平台强调性格的发展,就像当时严格的学术标准一样. This philosophy continues today.

What is new, 然而, is our deliberate, 系统的、基于证据的教学和评估品格能力的方法. We have done this work in partnership with the Centre for Curriculum Redesign, 这是一个非营利性的全球性组织,致力于通过回答“21世纪的学生应该学什么”这个问题来改善教育?” 

许多学校认识到用品格能力来提高知识的重要性, 心态, and abilities, but very few move beyond intention. 新月是世界上第一批在我们的课程和课外项目中整合并开发证据来证明品格能力的学校之一.

We achieve this in three ways:

List of 3 frequently asked questions.