
Applying to Crescent School is easy. 一切都在网上-从我们的申请表到学费,费用和经济援助的信息.




如果您没有在下面找到您需要的信息,请与注册团队联系 apply@eminencefilms.net.

List of 13 items.

  • What are the entry grade years for Crescent School?

    Here is the estimated new student intake by grade:

    三年级: 28–32 students

    4级: 8 - 12学生

    等级5: 16–20 students

    六年级: 0 - 5的学生

    年级7: 25–30 students

    年级8: 0 - 5的学生

    年级9: 25–30 students

    年级10: 0 - 5的学生

    年级11: 0 - 5的学生
  • What is the typical class size at Crescent School?

    Typical class sizes are:

    2 classes 14–18 boys per class

    4级: 2 classes 18–20 boys per class

    等级5: 3 classes 18–22 boys per class

    六年级: 3 classes 18–22 boys per class

    7年级 & 8: 5 classes 18–22 boys per class

    9 - 12年级: varies by course and subject
  • What is the cost of attending Crescent School?

    学费 fees for the 2023–2024 school year are $39,590. 十大靠谱网赌平台的学费包括我们特殊的午餐计划. 

    每个新月学生都有一个个人杂物账户,里面有1美元,000 payable annually at the time of registration. 杂项帐包括购买狼穴队制服的费用, school supplies) as well as other supplemental charges, e.g. class trips, team travel and tournaments, etc. 如果在该年度内杂项帐户耗尽,将要求追加资金. Click here for a list of supplemental charges.

    Families are also encouraged to make an annual donation of $2,500 on behalf of each son attending Crescent.

    目前,仅第一年的新生需要支付9000美元的注册费. This fee is in addition to tuition. 这是不可退还的,并在通知接受我们的报价后支付.
  • Does Crescent School offer financial assistance?

    是的. Crescent offers over $1.2 million in needs-based financial assistance each year to boys of promise in Grades 5–12.
  • How do I arrange to visit Crescent School?

  • What role does entrance testing play in the admissions process?

    Testing is one part of the process. 标准化考试成绩并不总是准确反映学生的成就或潜力. 然而, 考试提供了一个比较候选人的起点,并与家庭讨论过渡到十大靠谱网赌平台可能涉及的机遇和挑战.
  • Do you accept international students? Do you offer an ESL program?

    欢迎具有一定英语水平的国际学生申请. Crescent School does not offer an ESL program.
  • How is a "Crescent Boy" chosen?

    十大靠谱网赌平台努力选择具有求知欲的学生,他们将反映我们的核心价值观,并在课堂之外有兴趣. 在做出最终决定之前,一个委员会会审查和讨论每个申请人的优点.
  • What kind of boy succeeds at Crescent?

    在十大靠谱网赌平台茁壮成长的男孩是积极参与的公民,他们拥有好奇心和不断发展的成长心态. They are willing to be courageous, show compassion for others, possess self-awareness, and collaborate effectively. 我们每年的流失率只有2-3%,这表明大多数被录取的男孩会一直留在新月中学直到毕业.
  • Why is Crescent School an all-boys school?

    新月是一所有意为男孩开设的学校:我们了解男孩如何学习、玩耍和成长. 研究表明,男孩发展学习技能和能力的速度与女孩不同, particularly in terms of reading, writing and organizational skills in the early years. Social skills also develop at different stages. In its all-male environment, Crescent可以利用与目前十大靠谱网赌平台男孩如何学习的研究结果一致的发展指南. 学校还提供充足的体育教育和运动机会,以解决男性成长的动觉方面的问题. 作为一所走读学校,学生们在家里和周末都有充足的社交机会. Crescent School also provides co-educational, co-curricular opportunities such as drama productions, 体育运动, and social events with students from other schools.

    Learn more about why Crescent is an all-boys school
  • 十大靠谱网赌平台有课前和课后看护计划吗?


    There is an extra charge for this program.
  • Do you offer a food services program?

    是的, a daily lunch is included in the tuition fee. A variety of healthy choices are provided. Accommodations are made for students with special dietary needs.
  • Where do Crescent graduates attend university?

    毕业生被加拿大、美国和国外的顶尖大学录取. 我们的大学辅导员提供专家建议和资源,帮助男孩和他们的家庭确定最适合他们的项目.