
Crescent’s Character-In-Action programs provide our boys with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom.

巴黎 & Nice (March 2–10, 2024)

Open to students in Grades 10 to 12
旅行组织者: 英孚教育旅游
Maximum number of Crescent students: 20
Estimated cost: $5,400–6,050

Immerse yourself in the French language, culture, and cuisine.

To learn French, it helps to fall in love with France. This French Language Immersion Tours make both happen by combining authentic cultural experiences with interactive lessons taught out on the road. Each day has a theme—like art, history or food—that connects the day’s lesson to hands-on activities and conversations with locals. 

  • Prepare authentic French foods during a cooking class
  • Interact with Nice locals as you compete in a citywide scavenger hunt
  • Ascend the Eiffel Tower for spectacular panoramic views of the city
  • Explore the Montmartre, Sacré-Coeur, the Louvre, and a cruise around the Seine River
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