Intersession周 is connected to our Experiential Learning Program and to the 新月文凭. It allows us to provide our boys with the types of learning experiences that we know they need but that can also be challenging to fit into our regular academic program. All programming will enrich and extend the Crescent curriculum while reinforcing specific character qualities for our 毕业生肖像.



  • 什么是体验式学习,它将如何使我的儿子受益?

    Experiential learning is one of the School’s three boy-centered pedagogies. 简单地说,就是在实践和反思中学习的过程. Experience and research tells us that a hands-on approach to learning is especially powerful for boys. 此外, an increasing number of Canadian universities are ensuring that every degree program includes some form of experiential learning component so that students graduate with practical experience. It is important to prepare our boys to succeed in these types of learning environments.
  • Doesn’t 十大靠谱网赌平台 already have a range of experiential learning opportunities?

    绝对! 我们的许多课程和课外活动都是体验式的. The difference is the nature of the programming that is being presented to the boys. Intersession will focus on deep learning in areas that can be challenging to fit into the day-to-day academic program. Community service and leadership development are examples of such areas.
  • 这和新月文凭有什么关系?

    签名体验是新月文凭的一个关键特点. These experiences are central to a boy’s character journey and include essential elements of our academic, 课外学习, 以及社区项目. 考虑到它们的重要性, each of the Intersession周 experiences will eventually count as a Signature Experience. This will take some time to establish as it is tied into the roll-out of the 新月文凭. 与此同时, we know that all boys will benefit from the experiences regardless of whether or not they are explicitly tied into the diploma.
  • 参加是强制性的吗??

    是的. 这些是教学日,将被记录出席.
  • 这是否占用了其他学校相关活动的时间?

    节目设计是为了丰富和扩展我们的课程. 体验式学习本质上是跨学科的, which means that they pull together curriculum strands from a variety of subjects. It is important for the boys to develop an ability to think and synthesize not only within but also across different school subjects. 此外, our new 6-Term Schedule in Middle and 上学校 has increased the annual number of instructional hours and unlocked additional time for Intersession周. 
  • 我儿子参加要花钱吗?

    The vast majority of Intersession experiences will be on campus or in the local community. As a result, the costs will be kept to a minimum and, in some cases, there will be no costs.

    在高中, some students have opted to combine Intersession with International 外展, a Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey or an International Exchange, 在这种情况下,与旅行相关的费用确实适用.
  • 这周还会发生其他事情吗?

    是的. The daily schedule will closely mirror that of a regular academic day. Learning blocks will be interspersed with recess (Lower and 中学s), 在食堂吃午饭, 还有社区时间. A detailed schedule for Intersession周 will be published in the New Year.
