
Our focus on character education is aligned to our mission and an integral part of how we teach, 激励和激励我们的孩子.  




  • What is Crescent's 毕业生肖像?

    Crescent’s 毕业生肖像 is a collaborative initiative that involved the entire Crescent community.

    这是一个提问的练习, “什么知识, skills and character strengths will a Crescent graduate need to achieve future success, 事业上的幸福和目标, 社区和家庭生活?”

    The ultimate goal of the exercise was to ensure that each of our boys receives a strong foundation to learn, 领导并留下遗产.

  • Determining the qualities a Crescent graduate needs.

    We tapped into the collective wisdom of a wide range of people – over 700 in all, 包括学生, 老师, 校友, 新月的父母和朋友们.

    After examining their responses, we identified 六大基本品质 that a Crescent student should have upon his graduation.

    We then grouped these qualities into three guiding questions that we believe are central to a Crescent education:  
  • 我是谁??

    新月学院的毕业生是 道德的人 with the courage to uphold and act upon the highest standards of ethical behaviour. 

    新月学院的毕业生必须努力做到 自我意识和自我调节 with a strong sense of purpose, agency and potential.
  • 我该如何领导?

    A Crescent graduate needs to maintain a commitment to be a 积极的领导者 who builds relationships and understands the importance of serving others in order to inspire action and accomplishment.  

    他一定是个 至关重要的思想家 who listens clearly, communicates effectively and collaborates well.
  • 我的遗产是什么??

    新月学院的毕业生必须是一个 参与公民 谁尊重人们的差异, is mindful of interconnectivity and seeks betterment in his local and global community.

    他一定是 适应能力强,足智多谋,富有创造力 in meeting the challenges of an increasingly complex world.
  • How is Crescent's 毕业生肖像 being put into action?

    We continue to evolve our curriculum to meet the demands of the 21st century.

    Each department in our school designs teaching objectives to deliver the key competencies for each essential quality.  We then evaluate student outcomes based on behaviours and knowledge that demonstrate these qualities. 重要的是,

    Crescent’s co-curricular programming, facilities and technology resources all support these goals

Twelve Character Qualities of a Crescent Graduate
