
父母, 校友, 爷爷奶奶, 过去的父母, faculty/staff and friends generously support Crescent, helping our boys benefit from the best education.


We are proud to say that 100% of 十大靠谱网赌平台’s operating budget is covered by tuition. But while tuition covers the cost of school operations, charitable gifts provide the much-needed support for new facilities, enhancements to our signature academic programs and Student Financial Aid.
Gifts to Crescent come from current and 过去的父母, 校友, 爷爷奶奶, 教职员工, 同学们朋友们. Every gift makes a difference and benefits all of our boys.
十大靠谱网赌平台's Great Boys campaign—which concluded in June 2015—raised $34,166,500, 超过了我们3000万美元的目标. 感谢慷慨的捐赠人, Crescent boys now benefit from new spaces (Innes Field, 刘家荣, 拉蒂菲家庭共用地, 玛格丽特·唐纳利低年级图书馆, Middle/上学校 Library) and enhanced programs (Student Financial Aid, 新月学生服务, 国际推广, 机器人).

在随后的几年里, our generous community has allowed the School to install an air-supported dome over Innes Field, significantly expand our endowment for student financial assistance, and enable the purchase of the Bob Rumball Centre—securing seven acres of property adjacent to the north border of our campus for future expansion.
While we proudly celebrate our achievements of today, we are also contemplating where our dreams can take us tomorrow. Crescent's current funding priorities are the Master Campus Plan - Phase 1 and Student Financial Aid. The future is bright and our possibilities are endless.



  • 杰米 Lougheed摄

    Mr.  杰米 Lougheed 87

  • 凯瑟琳·福斯特摄

    夫人. 凯瑟琳 福斯特 


