
Our academic program is both rigorous and supportive with success in post-secondary institutions at the forefront of everyone’s mind.  



从3年级到12年级, 十大靠谱网赌平台 follows three pedagogies (methods of teaching) that are proven ways that boys learn best:


  • 主动学习

    超越倾听, 阅读和记忆, active learning is "anything that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing" (Bonwell and Eison, 1991). 主动学习的特点是协作, 讨论与反思, 培养对事实的理解,而不是记忆. It gives students more autonomy over their learning and helps students learn how to learn. 当学生讨论一个具有挑战性的问题时, 以书面形式回应课堂上的提示, 预测实验的结果, 或者将阅读中的知识应用到案例研究中, 这就是主动学习.
  • 从实践经验中学习

    体验式学习是在实践中学习的过程. 通过让学生参与实践体验和反思, they are better able to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. Experiential learning opportunities exist in a variety of course- and non-course-based forms and may include community service, 的服务培训, 研究, 出国留学/外, 以及最终的经历,比如实习, 学生教学, 和AP Capstone项目, 举几个例子.
  • 关系学习

    Boys experience their teachers before they experience the lessons they teach.”1  Relational learning relies on strong relationships between teachers and their students. It reimagines the teacher’s role as a trusted guide rather than a dynamic based on power — as can be the case in rigid classroom environments. Boys are relational learners and their successful learning outcomes are strongly linked to the positive relationship with their teachers. 新月的老师和教练与我们的孩子们建立了强有力的联系, 确保每个人都有被了解的感觉, 作为个体被关心和认可的. They establish meaningful relationships that are not only preconditions to the boys' character development but also to their ongoing engagement in learning.
    1 我可以向你学习, Michael Reichert和Richard Hawley, 2014



新月的创始人, 吉米·詹姆斯, believed that it was important to establish a school that was “kinder and gentler than the fierce caning world” of the time. He wanted 十大靠谱网赌平台 to emphasize character development as much as drilling the rigorous academic standards of the day. 这一理念延续至今.

有什么新鲜事吗?, 然而, 我们是故意的吗?, systematic and evidence-based approach to teaching and assessing character competency. 我们是与……合作完成这项工作的 课程重新设计中心, a non-profit global organization dedicated to improving education by answering the question: “What should students learn for the 21st century?” 

Many schools recognize the importance of enhancing knowledge with character competencies, 心态, 和能力, 但很少有人能超越意图. Crescent is one of the first schools in the world to integrate—and develop evidence to demonstrate—character competency across our curricular and co-curricular programs.



  • 将性格素质映射到课程和课外活动中

    我们已经把我们的 与我们的毕业生肖像相关的十二个性格品质 我们的课程和课外活动. This targeted approach allows Crescent faculty to design their courses so that students can practice and then master their proficiency in the featured character quality.

  • 发展共同语言

    Crescent’s twelve character qualities are broken down into specific sub-quality (also called "subcompetency") examples. This precision is necessary for meaningful teaching and provides tangible ways for students to demonstrate proficiency in a competency.

  • 以循证方式培养品格能力

    Character qualities are improvable with deliberate practice; character competency can be assessed to identify where there is room for improvement. 来帮助完成这项工作, Crescent使用规则来指定具体的操作, 行为, 以及表明对某项能力熟练程度的心态, 促进对话和反思. These tools are also used to chart pathways for growth and identify areas to improve along the way.