
Crescent’s Character-In-Action programs provide our boys with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom.


Crescent’s 业务 Program provides unique opportunities for our students to hone their 业务 skills while engaging in real-life “character in action” situations where students lead, 沟通, employ analytical and critical thinking skills and compete in high-pressure situations.


  • 概述

    Our vision is to inspire a passion and excitement for 业务 in our students through the 业务 Program and graduate amazing students who will have success in university and their careers.

    We will accomplish this through excellence in the classroom and by providing outstanding co-curricular experiences that will differentiate our graduates and provide a foundation for future 业务 success.

    Crescent’s 业务 Program is delivered through two components: the 业务 curriculum and the co-curricular 业务 Team. 
  • 商业课程

    Crescent’s 业务 curriculum aims to inspire a passion for 业务. 我们花了大量的时间关注时事, seeking to further develop student engagement with the world around them and bring textbook theory to life. 我们开设经济学(11年级), 12及先修课程), Accounting (Grade 11 and 12) and 业务 创业 (Grade 11).
  • 十大靠谱网赌平台业务团队

    我们的业务团队, 包括所有的商业课外活动, 是我们商科课程的延伸. It’s the opportunity for students to use their classroom knowledge in real life and competitive settings. 我们的业务团队活动包括:

      • 十大靠谱网赌平台投资团队 是10-12年级男生的学生经营的投资俱乐部吗. The team manages a real-money portfolio worth approximately $55,000. Team members learn first-hand about stock markets and make real investments in Canadian and US stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). 投资组合经理制定投资组合策略, 进行研究和估价分析, and present recommendations to the Investment Team and our Investment Committee advisory panel.
      • 商业案例竞赛 offer serious 业务 students the opportunity to tackle a real-life 业务 challenge within an allocated time frame. Working in small groups, teams compete at university-level 业务 cases. Crescent often hosts the 十大靠谱网赌平台 Invitational 业务 Case Competition, one of several competitions held each year involving six to ten independent girls’ and boys’ schools.
      • is where many of our students first develop a passion for 业务, 尤其是那些九年级或十年级的学生. Over 200,000 high school students worldwide compete in the 十 业务 competitions. Crescent competes at the regional, provincial and international levels of 十.
      • 少年商务俱乐部 gives Grade 9 and 10 students an introduction to 业务 Team activities, 包括创业, 投资和十.
      • 商业团队领导计划: The 业务 Team Executive is an excellent training ground in leadership. It offers significant and real leadership opportunities where students are expected to lead, 教, 激励和管理所有业务团队活动.



  • 加文 Muranaka的照片

    加文 Muranaka 

    Subject Head, 业务 Studies (Grades 7-12) and Director of 业务 & 创业
  • 克拉克·戴维斯摄

    克拉克 戴维斯 02

  • 乔恩 Itzkovitch的照片

    乔恩 Itzkovitch 

