
Crescent’s Character-In-Action programs provide our boys with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom.

40 in 9程序

    • 新月外展学生
40 in 9 is an incentive program that encourages Grade 9 students to earn their 40 mandatory community service hours in their Grade 9 year.
  • Encourage and support our Grade 9 students in achieving and completing the mandatory 40 community service hours required for graduation as outlined by the Ministry of Education.
  • Create a well-rounded individual with demonstrable acts that clearly demonstrate the school's core values.
  • Provide global and life experiences that allow each boy to find their passion and commit to a life of continued learning.
  • Provide opportunities to expose the boys to life beyond what they currently know and experience.
  • Help our boys understand that giving back is a civic responsibility and that many corporations and universities look upon a willingness to serve in a favourable light.
  • Generate an interest in service that will lead to community contributions in excess of the required 40 hours.
  • Students may earn hours starting the summer at the end of their Grade 8 year.
  • Students have until August following their Grade 9 year to complete their community service hours. All approved hours must be submitted through x2VOL. 
  • Every student who earns 40 hours or more will be invited to a celebration in September of their Grade 10 year to recognize their contribution to our community.
Students are also encouraged to look for opportunities within their own communities, by speaking to community organizations within their area. Community service opportunities will be emailed to students during the year, as well as posted on the School's outreach board. Below are a few websites with community opportunities:



  • 周锦荣摄

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