
Crescent’s Character-In-Action programs provide our boys with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom.

温哥华 & Sunshine Coast (March 3–10, 2024)

Open to students in Grades 10 to 12
Trip Organizer: Georgia Hardy
Maximum number of Crescent students: 14
Estimated cost: $4,450–4,950

Experience an Award journey as you paddle and hike along the BC shoreline.

This specially designed Crescent program qualifies interested students for their Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey requirements. 

  • Take part in a wilderness workshop where participants will trip plan,  完美的划桨动作, BC省天气, learn how to set up and ‘winterize’ tents
  • Paddle to different locations along a junior Fjord, explore the shorelines, learn the history and geography of the area
  • Hike and learn about hiking risk management, 住房建设, principles of leave no trace and creating fire bags.
  浏览样本行程 (如有更改)

  Qualifies for Duke of Edinburgh's Adventurous Journey Bronze, Silver or Gold
