
Crescent’s Character-In-Action programs provide our boys with authentic opportunities to develop character outside of the classroom.


At every grade, Crescent boys have opportunities to build and demonstrate their leadership abilities.
在低年级, boys are encouraged to propose and develop outreach activities, and they take responsibility for morning announcements and assembly presentations. 六年级, 男孩们竞选众议院主席, serve as lunchtime Table Captains and act as Reading Buddy mentors with their Grade 3 brothers.
中学 leadership opportunities include the elected positions of House Captains and Class Reps. 俱乐部 and teams also offer opportunities for boys in Grades 7 and 8 to develop their skills as project leaders and captains.
In the 上学校, boys take on greater leadership responsibilities for the entire student body. House Captains, Form Mentors, Prefects and the Head Boy guide the school culture. 有机会可以把握 executive positions on co-curricular teams and clubs. And there are meaningful opportunities to mentor and tutor younger students. Grade 12 boys also serve as Senior Mentors in their Mentor Groups.


  • 我们的房屋制度

    Crescent’s student body is organized into six Houses, each with a particular House colour:

    • 卡地亚(灰色)
    • 哈德逊(黄色)
    • 麦肯齐(浅蓝色)
    • 梅西(深蓝色)
    • 锡(紫色)
    • 沃尔夫(红色)
    选举产生的众议院院长领导每一院. He is responsible for running all aspects of the House. Elected House Captains support the House Prefects in all House initiatives, 包括院内会议, major House events and the House intramural league.
  • 我们的级长委员会

    Crescent’s Prefect Council is composed of 17 Prefects: the six House Prefects and 10 Portfolio Prefects, 由男生学生会主席主持.

    Any Grade 11 student has the opportunity to become Head Boy, which is an elected position. The Portfolio Prefects are also elected and assigned specific roles by the Head Boy, in accordance with Canadian Parliamentary practice in which the people elect the strongest candidates then the Prime Minister assigns specific roles.


    • 组装(2)
    • 艺术
    • 通信
    • 研究生班及校友联络
    • 低年级联络
    • 中学联络
    • 社会
    • 高中联络
    For more information on 学校领导 opportunities and how members are elected, read about our 学生领导制度.


Tehseen Dahya