
当常规课程结束时,新月不会放慢速度. 我们的校园一年到头都很热闹.





  • 这些课程是否获得安大略省教育部的认可?

    是的, 十大靠谱网赌平台是由 安大略省教育部, 学校的所有课程都是如此.
  • 我可以为我的孩子要求一个特定的老师和/或朋友配对吗?

    不幸的是,我们不能接受或处理老师或朋友的请求. We place students in classes that best balance class sizes and the individual student needs.
  • 有多少家庭作业?

    Regardless of the delivery model, teaching and student understanding occur as the result of lessons.
    Student learning occurs individually, as a function of homework completion and studying. The quantity of homework is course-dependent and student-dependent; some lessons and topics will have more homework than others. Students are expected to complete coursework through a combination of in-class or synchronous work and asynchronous study/homework each school day, 在周末额外学习. These are credit courses; effective learning—the successful outcome—requires time and effort.
  • 我需要买什么课本?

    Textbook requirements are indicated in the course descriptions and can also be accessed through this 教科书的链接. 一些教科书可能要到5月份才能确定. 如果你的课本上写的是TBD,请检查一下.
  • 我在哪里可以买到教科书?

    Textbooks can be obtained from a variety of sources including websites like Amazon or former students. 请注意,加拿大学校图书交易所最近关闭了它的业务.
  • Flex星期五我需要什么技术要求?

    A computer with a robust internet connection is necessary as synchronous learning will take place on Zoom. 还需要使用打印机.
  • 十大靠谱网赌平台暑期课程的节奏是怎样的?

    Students can expect a fast-paced educational environment, much more so than year-long courses. 这种格式可能不适合所有学生. Single-credit courses require 110 hours of class time; this is compressed into four intense weeks in a summer course at Crescent.
  • 我有个人教育计划. 我可以参加新月的暑期课程吗?

    对于有IEP的学生, Crescent can accommodate extra time (up to 50% additional time) on tests and examinations. 其他住宿安排应与暑期学术项目主任Mr. Ari猎人. Students are encouraged to identify whether they have an IEP at the time of registration and provide a copy of the IEP to the Program Director before the first day of the course. 

    请直接提问和/或提交IEP文件至 summeracademics@eminencefilms.net.


  • 夏季课程比普通学年的课程容易吗?

    不,暑期课程不是“轻松学分”." They are accredited courses that prepare students for further study in the discipline. All courses are taught and evaluated to 十大靠谱网赌平台's high academic standards and rigorous evaluation, 和正常学年一样. 我们的暑期学术课程不是为那些简单地“想要高分”的人准备的."
  • 取消/退款和转让政策是什么?

    • 所有取消必须通过电子邮件通知暑期学术课程办公室,地址为 summeracademics@eminencefilms.net.
    • 退款, 减去100美元的管理费, 5月16日之前的退课申请将会得到批准吗, 2024. 2024年5月16日之后,将不提供退款.
    • 按比例退款是不可用的天缺席.
    • 十大靠谱网赌平台 reserves the right to cancel a course if the minimum enrollment is not met. If a course is cancelled, we will do our best to accommodate the student in an alternate course. 或者,我们将全额退款.
    • Transfers to a different course must be requested by email to the Summer Academic Program office at summeracademics@eminencefilms.net.
    • 要求在5月16日前转账, 2024, 如果适应, 每个学生要交50美元的行政费吗.
    • 2024年5月16日之后不允许转校申请.
  • 退课日期是什么时候?

    在下午3点前正式退出课程的学生.m. 2024年7月2日,星期二,将不会收到期末成绩. 在此日期之后, grades must be recorded on the student's transcript according to the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines.
  • 十大靠谱网赌平台能保证我一定的成绩吗?

    No. Courses in our Summer Academic Program are taught and evaluated to 十大靠谱网赌平台's rigorous standards. Students' final grades are determined by their performance on evaluated items such as quizzes, 作业, 测试和最后的总结性评估.
  • 打标的周转时间是多少?

    Quizzes, in-class 作业, and tests are typically graded and returned within two class days.
  • 有期末考试吗?

    课程将有一个最终的总结性评估或高潮活动. The teacher will communicate the timing of that activity at or near the beginning of the course.
  • 有额外的帮助吗??

    是的, extra help can be obtained before or after lessons, as determined by the course instructor. 教师也可以通过电子邮件联系.
  • 成绩如何公布?


    取决于最后的总结性评估或最终任务提交的时间, a student may receive their final grade verbally from the teacher on the last day of classes. 如果课程作业是在课程的最后一天提交的, 老师会另行安排通知学生最后的成绩. 在所有情况下,最终报告将通过邮寄/电子邮件发送. Non-Crescent students will have their final grades communicated to their home school in September 2024.
